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right outta my hair.

Where is that chick
7:03 p.m. - Friday, Jun. 15, 2007

I just want to take this time out to thank all of the people who prayed for me last night. I had a little almost problem yesterday and everything turned out fine. Thank You.

Why did I have to be poor why couldn't I be rich. I don't have to be like stupid rich just enough where I could read and write all day. That would be so cool then I could sell what I write and live off of that. That would be so cool. I miss writing. I miss it so much. I don't even have the time to write in my journal any more. I hope that I will once school is over. One more week and I will be done. I am so creatively stifled I feel like I'm going to burst.

Has there ever been anyone in your life who played such an important roll, I mean was there like all of the time then slowly started to pull away. I know that people cannot be attached at the hip all of their lives but I miss her. I know she has other things to do and is going different places to do and see different things but I miss her. It makes me feel like I have done something wrong and I'm being punished. I know I know once again I am over thinking things but this is how I feel. I used to talk to her and it was just different. There was a whole different feel to it. I feel like now I shouldn't even bring things up because she's just not going to care. I just want you to know that I miss you.

Ok I guess that's it for today I will chat with you all later.



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