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right outta my hair.

7:45 p.m. - Monday, Jun. 11, 2007

I am sooooo sick right now. I feel like I am going to throw up. I don't know what I am going to do. My tummy and my back are killing me. Sorry to start out this way but it is all I can think of right now.

I have two weeks left of school. Yeah! I can't believe that I have made it this far but I am not finished yet. I have really been working my butt off, with school and my group. I just hope everything goes well you know. My teacher is really gone crazy with all of this work she's been giving. I have noticed that I don't remember half of the things I should have learned because I was too busy doing busy work. She assigns more and more work every week just to see us fall on our faces. I can't wait until I start work then I won't have to worry about doing homework. At least until I go back to school and even then I won't have to do this much work. Ok I don't want to talk about that anymore.

I really need to meet someone I can connect with you know. Someone who thinks on the same level as I do. Someone I can debate with over topics affecting the world, life, and community. Someone that can go from simulating my mind to simulating my body you know? I am so tired of being alone. I am tired of saying that. I mean don't get me wrong I have people that want to be with me but something is always well just not right. Like they smoke or are heavy drinkers. Oh or they just feel that ghetto life is just the end all beat all. People say that I am weird because I don't speak slang or like rap music but I just don't believe in fitting in a box. Especially the box that young African- American women like to be called a bitch or a hoe while dancing around naked and smiling for the camera. Plus I am smart which starts many problems. I want to be with someone who's smart not just street smart but intellectual also. Teach me please. Have something going on in or with your life please. Work, school something please! Do I ask for a lot maybe but at least I know some of what I want.

That's all for today thanks for listening.



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