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right outta my hair.

Getting to know yourself is overrated
5:35 p.m. - Saturday, May. 26, 2007

You know how when you are by yourself people say oh you just have to get to know yourself before you move on. Well I have been by myself for quite some time now and I do believe that I am in touch with and know myself. I am lonely!

I know that I don't like to clean, am new to this whole cooking thing, and still think very highly of myself. I know that I like men and women. I like my men to be men and my women to be women none of that stud stuff. If I want a man I would just get with one. I don't want a girly girl either. I want whoever I am with to be about something. Doing something with their life. Not sitting around their mama's house doing nothing. I don't want anyone slanging either to me that's worst than just being broke. I need to be with someone who loves big women and knows how to treat one. I need someone who is sweet, strong, funny, and is down for the good fight. They also need to have a strong believe in God. I am a very busy person but I like to spend a lot of time with the person I am with. So I sneak time in whenever I can. I almost forgot they have to love sex. I love sex and I like to have it. Sorry couldn't leave that out.

I am a full time college student who will soon be a full time employee then shortly after that a full time employer. You feel me? I take my education and my work very seriously. I take my not for profit work even more seriously. I have dedicated my life to educating and empowering my fellow man and or woman. I love to write and would like to make a living doing that one-day.

I am really nice sometimes too nice but I don't let people get over on me any more so if that's what you are on you can hang that up. I am tried of taking care of the people I get with and feel that it's high time someone takes care of me. Even though I am not one of those people who could just sit around and do nothing.

When I get rich which I will one day the first thing I am going to do after buying my building is hire a housekeeper. That's if I don't get one from my "normal man's" paycheck. I just feel there is so much better stuff to do then washing dishes. As far as cooking goes I am learning how to but I just started. I was never the one to cook growing up so I didn't have to worry about until I got on my own.

Anyway I think that's enough for now. The point is that I know myself pretty well. So now it's high time for someone else to be introduced into my life. If you all no of anyone hit me up.


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