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right outta my hair.

12:12 p.m. - Monday, Feb. 05, 2007

I know it has been ages since I wrote but I have been very busy. In fact I am busy now but I had to carve out some time for my fans. Speaking of fans, I have started to put my book of pomes together it should be ready to go on sell by May. I do hope that you all will check it out. There are some good pieces if I may say so myself. There will be about 30-35 pieces covering all types of topics. I am so excided about it I can't believe that I am finally doing it. Please everyone wish me well.

As far as school goes I haven't been doing very well. I have had so much other stuff to do that I haven't been able to do much homework or studying. I am playing a big game of catch up. I got a B in my last class. I told myself that I would get all A's in this program. I have even gotten some F's on test and I just can't stand for that. I am doing my best to fit in studying and homework. It's just that lately I have been so out of it. I was so worried about the test Friday that I forgot to turn in my homework. Now I just hope that my teacher will accept it Monday.

My love life is still pretty bland. P.E. only calls me when he needs his hair done. Mr. Man doesn't call, e-mail, or anything. FL he's so busy that it's hard to keep up with him but we are supposed to meet up on Thursday. Plus he's got other things he's dealing with. I did meet this woman I believe I told you all about her before. We will call her D. She is super cool and it seems as though we are going to be fast friends. I don't know if she likes women like that but I will find out.

To my new friends on myspace you know who you are. I will pre write you all e-mails that I know I owe you all soon.

To all of you who don't know (Where have you been under a rock?) today is the super bowl. The Chicago Bears is going to win and the city is going to be in an uproar! It should be fun for a little while.

Ok now I am going back to my homework

Ok so we didn't win the super bowl but that's cool I guess I wasn't getting anything extra if they would have won. I still say go Bears!

Now I have work to do



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