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right outta my hair.

Happy new year
5:09 p.m. - Sunday, Jan. 07, 2007

Happy New Year to everyone and much love!

I had a ball for new years we gave my mom a birthday party at my cousin�s house. My family was there and some of my friends came and we had a ball it was crazy. I wish more of my friends could have come but they had a good time then I am cool. My new years resolution is to always do what's best for me that covers a couple of areas. I am going to stay on the honor roll for my entire seven months that I have left in school; I am going to do whatever it takes for my son and me to have a good life. I am starting to put myself first which would be the hardest thing to do. I know it shouldn't be but it is.

I know that I am always talking about me being broke and you all are more than likely tired of hearing it. Well I am doing something about it. I applied for a job at U of C overnight. Yes I said overnight, from 10pm to 8 am. I don't know when I would be able to study but I need money and fast. I really don't know how I am going to do it but I need to do it. So pray for me on that front please.

Now more talk about me being broke. My phone is about to be cut off. I have until the 26th to pay over $300. God will make a way right? Maybe I will get some clients between now and then. My son's birthday is on the 23rd and I want to throw him a party on the 27th. Not to mention now he will have to pay on the bus. I applied for CEDA for my light bills so hopefully I can get some help with that before my lights get cut off too.

I am starting my group back up Sister's Standing Together In Womanhood we have had some months off and now it's time to get back to work. I will be creating a group on myspace and there is already a group on facebook and yahoo groups so if you all want to join just sign up.

As far as my love life goes there is no love life, the end. No really, I have no prospects as of now everyone is doing their own thing. I am looking forward to meeting new people though I hope to do more of that this year. I really want to find someone who is willing to grow with me as I am right now. I know that most of you didn't get that but I know what I mean.

I also want to find more time to write. I really miss writing and I want it back in my life. Writing and creating a story is like the greatest feeling in the world.

Well, I have to go and do homework I will catch you all later

Peace & Love


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