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right outta my hair.

10:08 p.m. - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006

My Christmas was tripped out but good. I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day at the hospital with my son. He was really bad off but he is doing better now. We got him to take some meds and it has cleared him up. My son got all kinds of stuff for x-mas and I am blessed because I didn't have money to get him anything. Him or anyone else. I want all my people to know that if I could I would buy you all your hearts wishes but I am not there yet. When I get there, I will not forget about you. I got $ 20, a pair of jeans and a candle set. Thank you much.

You know I am very much lonely. I just wish that it were someone I could hang with someone who could hold me when I need it. I know that person will come when I need them well I just I don't need it yet.

You guys remember the date auction well I still haven't gone on the date yet because I still have no money. I was thinking about going and being one of the dates but it just doesn't seem right for me to go out on a date and I haven't taken my date out yet.

I have to go back to school Tuesday. Everyone has like a month off and I only got a week. Well I will be done before everyone else. Then hopefully I will get a new job.

I am wishing everyone a happy new year. I know I am going to have a good one. In fact, why don't you all that read my little blog fill out comments and tell me what your new year�s resolution. And will have a list of all of mine in the next entry. oooo or better yet why don't you all tell me what you think that I should make my new years resolution? Not saying that I am going to keep all of them but I will take them in to consideration.



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