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right outta my hair.

BD is an A Hole
10:14 p.m. - Saturday, Dec. 23, 2006

Well it has been quite a week. BD is an ass hole and it's not like I should not have known that it's just that I believed his words when he said that he was ready to be a dad. Well that boy came up here spent one day with my baby and that was it. I haven't seen him Monday. He called me the other day to let me know that he made it home and to act like he couldn't understand why I was so upset with him. Maybe because you had my son looking forward to spending a week with you then you leave after one day without even saying good-bye. You people know what I was really nice to him too opened up my home top him fed him and everything. We had nice conversation and it was nice for a day. Then it was back to being an ass hole for him and back to me being pissed.

Any way Mr. Man gave me 35 dollars. I had to wait 2 weeks to get it but thanks anyway. Now I just need about $300 more. My phone is about to get cut off. And so is my lights. Not to mention its Christmas and I don't even have enough money to buy my baby something let alone anyone else. That money Mr. Man gave me is already gone. I had to buy a bus pass and other things.

I would like to thank FL and Jim-bo for being my male ears when I need someone to talk to about what's going on in my life and they listen to a lot. I am glad that I have men to turn to, to get opinions about what men think and do.

I got my hair done. Thank you Jesus! And no I didn't pay for it. My sister did it for me and it came out nice. I tried to color it but that didn't take. Oh well! I still look nice.
I got to see one of my best friends, B. I haven't saw her in so long it was so good to see her and my godson. I hope that she has made it back home safely.

You know I have been really lonely lately. I really wouldn't mind having someone that I could just lay with at night you know someone that can keep me warm. In more ways than one. Well hopefully I will find that person one day.

Speaking of finding people... I met the most amazing person this week her name is D and she is cool people. We are both Scorpios and we both did Ameri corps. The conversation started with us talking about our locs. Well we exchanged numbers so I will be talking to her. Now I don't know if she is bi or les but I am not sure how to ask either. How do you ask someone that? That is one of the reasons I haven't been with a female because I don't know how to approach them. If you all have any ideas let me know please.

that's all folks


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