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right outta my hair.

It's been a while
5:05 p.m. - Sunday, Dec. 17, 2006

Well people I know that I have been MIA for a while but it has been for a good cause. I have been completely overwhelmed with school and the play and Solomon. Not to mention I just found out that I have a new disorder. It's called fibromyalgia and it explains why I have been feeling the way I have.

Anyway I am doing very good in school my test scores are as follows: 100,100,92,100,100,100. So as you see I have been kicking butt and taking names. It's just so much work and sometimes I have no idea where to get stuff from but I am sure that I will get it right soon. We had so much work this week I still don't know how I am going to finish it all by tomorrow. Yes, you heard me right I said tomorrow. I would be at home right now doing it but I have to go to this family thing but I did bring some of it with me. I take my final Tuesday and then I would have finish my first class isn't that great yae!

The play is coming alone good. I don't have the amount of time I would like to go over it but it's coming along. I wish I know my lines better but I am doing well for the time that I am putting in. In fact, all of my blog fans should come and see me in my first appearance on stage. It will be on February 10th. We are going to be on some T.V. show to talk about the play but I don't know the information yet but when I know, you all will know.

Solomon is doing well, his dad is in town for a week so they get to interact and have fun together. I am proud of his dad for coming up here to see him. Maybe he will be able to do it more often.

My love life is not really going on right now. I am not in love and no one is trying to be in love with me. Or even in like for that matter. Oh, let me change that if they are trying then they aren't right for me. So once again, if you all know of anyone then please let me know. Man or Woman must be thick and sexy. (No studs please).

Well I have to go I will catch you all later peace.



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