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right outta my hair.

XploreHer Night
1:52 p.m. - Sunday, Dec. 03, 2006

Well I didn't go to school Friday. I know I should have but I couldn't get up. Not to mention that there was like this huge snowstorm that had everything messed up. I don't plan on missing but one more day and that's because I have to go somewhere that was planed before school came up.

I went to the XploreHer event last night it was fun and I had a good time. I even won the raffle. I also bid on a date and won she is this dancer that put on this crazy show. She is thick like I like them but she also looks as though she could teach me some things. I think that she was a little disappointed because she only got $12. Nevertheless, I liked her show and I didn't want her to go home empty handed. It seemed as though she wasn't happy that I bid for her but I got I will see when we go out. I also won the VIP package for their Tasty Tuesdays. Therefore, it was a real good night. My best friend went with me not because she is gay but because she wanted to see if I really am. I don't know if she believes me or not still but we had a good time. Speaking of people not knowing about me, my mom still doesn't know that I am bi I am trying to tell her today. So wish me luck because I am going to need it. I don't think that she is going to trip or anything like that it's just hard to tell her. I tried to tell her before and she didn't believe me.

I went to my brother's girl friend baby shower yesterday and it was interesting to say the least. Some of her family members were a little ok a lot out there. Nevertheless, what can I say we are family now and she isn't like that so we are cool. He proposed last night at the shower so that was cool. It looks like I will have another sister in the family, which is also cool. But you know what's not cool is the fact that both my little sister and brother are about to get married and I am not even close sad. It's just sad I tell you.

I don't know who I am going to end up with I know who I would like to end up with sometimes but not all of the time. I know one day I will find the one that's for me and that day I will be so happy whenever it gets here. Maybe it will come after I get on my feet. It will happen soon enough but for right now, I am going to try to have fun and meet new people.

Well I am going to get off the computer now and do some homework so I will talk to you good people later.



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