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right outta my hair.

3:22 p.m. - Friday, Nov. 24, 2006

Ok I would like to start out by giving my best friend a what's up. I love you girl and I am glad we got everything worked out.

The next thing that I would like to talk about if the fact that I am broke. Now I know that you all are really tired of me talking about how broke I am but that is my life. If you all have never read the broke diaries then you should read it my life is worst if not on par with hers. My last check was less than $200 and that in no way is going to cover my bills. My light bill is 1month past due 2 months due. Yes, my friend FL gave me the money for the light bill last month and you want to know what happen to that money I had to spend it on bus fare. My phone bill is 1month past due and I have to pay that because I must have a phone. In addition, I still need to find a way to get bus fare to go back and forward to school. Not to mention I just quit my job so that I could go back to school. I don't know how in the world this is going to work out but I know that God will make a way. In the mean time anyone who wants to donate you all are more than welcome.

You know it's not as if I am one of those broke people who have cable and internet and all the extras. I am bone dry broke. I have nothing but my baby and me. I don't know how I am going to wash clothes. Oh and solo lost his book bag so I have to buy another one of them too do I know where the money is going to come from? Nope. I can't wait until I finish with this program so that I can make my own money.

You know it's my mom's fault I just can't stand asking anyone for anything. So I would be put out of my house by the time I come on out and ask someone for what I need. Speaking of me being put out... For those of you that keep up with my page you know that they had my rent messed up. They had me working two jobs. Well they took off one job and now I'm not working any job but they won't take off the other job until I file for unemployment. Well sounds easy, right? Wrong! I have school five days a week so I was going to go today because I don't have school but of course, they aren't open. So I have to figure out a way to do that before... let me see... Monday. Great! I can't afford to pay anything for rent that's why I live in low-income housing. So add a rent that I couldn't afford if I was working to that list of bills that I can't pay. I need my place man! Where are my baby and I going to go if we are put out? This is crazy! Ok Cookie calm down, calm down. I said that I am putting this in God's hands so that's what I am going to do.


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