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right outta my hair.

7:55 p.m. - Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006

I cannot believe this is happening to me I don't know if I am upset or hurt. I think I am hurt. My best friend is tired of me I knew this would happen one day.

I knew that I would where out my welcome. I always thought that I was bothering her by coming over and hanging out but now I am going to be uncomfortable anytime that I want to spend time with her. In fact, I don't know how to ask anymore.

Jim-bo always tells me that people change and maybe this is her changing. But I don't want her to change not if it takes her away from me. I have cried about this because I just don't know what to do. I guess there is nothing I can do but give her her space. I want my friend to know that I am respecting her wishes by giving her space and she can call me when she is ready. Damn this hurts!

In other bad news...
My houseguest is still on bullshit. And now I am pissed! She called me last week talking about am I at home and can she get a copy of my key? Where in the hell have you been staying and why haven't they given you a key. I haven't seen the girl in about two months but she ain't got no other place to stay. Yeah right! Then I spoke to some one who knows her and she told me that she called my son a thing. Now that might get her ass kicked. I just can't understand what's up with all of the lies. When she called me last week she said she was coming over and she hasn't nor has she called. Why do people think that I have time for b.s.

In other news...
I haven't heard from FL. I am starting to think that maybe I bug him too. I know that I am kinda needy and I don't mean to be but I am. Well...when he reads this hi.

I am sorry if I am sounding a little defensive but that's just, how I am feeling right now.

Anyway, PE started calling me again. He still wants his hair done for free. I told him I didn't know about that. He told me that if I needed something (like money) then I could ask him for it and he would give it to me. Yeah we will see, but then again maybe not because I don't make a habit of asking men for anything especially money. He acts as though he really likes me. I don't know how I feel about him. I know that he is not my usual type but if anything maybe we will turn out being friends.

In good news...
I start school on Tuesday. I am so excided. I think that I am going to be great. I am only worried about one part and that's spelling as those of you who read this might very well know. I am going to work really hard at it though because I really need this career.

I don't know how I am going to pay for the rest of this tuition. Or at least until I get my tax return.

P.S. PE came over last night. I did his hair and he tried to have sex with me. I am proud to say that did not happen. He seems to be an ok type just don't think he's my type. I am just not sure how I should tell him that I just want to be friends.

P.S.S. I spoke to FL he helped me out with some things. I want to say thank you to him for all of his advice thank you.


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