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right outta my hair.

Let me give you all a taste
8:07 p.m. - Saturday, Nov. 11, 2006

Last night I talked to FL. I had a ball! He showed me some side of him that I haven't seen but I liked it. He even got me worked up for a while there. I mean he had me wanting to invite him to my bed to show him what your girl can do. That was only for a minute though. I want to take it slow with FL. If this is going to happen I want it to be done right. Plus I haven't forgotten what I said. I am not having sex until I fall in love. It is hard though because sometimes I can be a horny toad. (read that in a book) Well I guess that's why I have toys. I love my toys but doesn�t anything beat a warm body lying next to you.

I did it I am enrolled in school. I completed all of my paperwork today. That's all well and good but let's get to the real stuff...

I am reading this book, the new one by Eric Jerome Dickey, and it has me itching to write something. I really want to write something about me and FL. Since we are waiting there is nothing that says our minds can't work. In fact I am going to try and write something now.

He was everything I thought he would be; big, strong, tall, and handsome. We hug, too long for just friends, too short to be lovers. I sniff his neck and take in the aroma of his cologne. It was manly but not overbearing kinda like him. The smell made my skin tingle. I wondered if my "lick me all over" was doing the same to him.

We ate a dinner of baked pork chops, garlic mash potatoes, carrots, and strawberry wine. I didn't like to cook but I enjoyed feeding him I could imagine feeding my mind body and soul but that is me getting ahead of myself. We ate laughed, joked, and had a good time. Then we moved to the living room to relax. Smooth sounds flowed from the computer as we caught up from the past. Even though it had been years since we had contact we fell right back in step. It was almost like we never left each other. Then it happened... Or eyes locked at the same time he touched my hand. I could feel the electricity between us; I could damn near see it. He leaned in close. Close enough to lick my lips if he wanted to. He asked me if it was ok with his eyes and I answered him with a kiss.

That was the story of me and FL's first kiss since we started back talking but this is not I repeat not a true story. Just something I wrote for you all tell me what you think.

I am leaving my job. I know but I have to I am going to be in school four hours a day and I wouldn't have enough time to study if I stay at work. I am paying $11,087 for these classes I am not about to waste that money by not passing because I was busy working. How am I going to get by? I am not sure yet but I know that God will make a way. Now before you start thinking it I am not one of the lazy people that are just going to sit on their butt and wait for something to happen. I am applying for cash at aid. I don't want to but I have no choice it only for eight months then hopefully I will have a job.

Ok I have to go do hair I will talk to you lovely people later.


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