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right outta my hair.

back at work again
7:00 p.m. - Saturday, Nov. 04, 2006

Back at work again, back to making money again, I'm glad to be at work again.

I had a ball for my birthday. I want to send a big thank you out to all my friends who hung out with me. I am also taking this time out to say congrats to my buddy on her new place. I am so proud of you girl. And while I am sending out congrats I want my best friend in the world to know how proud I am of her. She is doing her thing in school and in her field.

I thought I was going to lose my job but God had another plan. Now they want me to be a refusal converter. Which is like a higher level interviewer. That would be so cool!

I checked out this school yesterday. It's a career school and I would only take 8 months for me to finish and afterwards I will have a career making good money. It's not what I want to do with the rest of my life but it's ok for right now.

Why did they go up on my rent and when I say up I mean up to something I can't pay. I live in low income housing and they got me paying a price that I just can't swing. I don't know how they came up with that.

I really like this guy. A lot! I just can't wait until we get together. If we get together. I hope so. Lovely now I am falling for some one again. It will be ok though.



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