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right outta my hair.

My birthday
11:56 a.m. - Saturday, Oct. 28, 2006

Ten days to my birthday!

I have been through confusion these last two days. Meaning today and yesterday. It started with good news... I am going to be able to have my FUN party for my birthday. I called my guest list to invite everyone. (All girls of course.) By the time I get to Jim-bo to tell him the news he already knew. How? HIM told him. How did he know you ask... because there is a rat. And the rat did not stop there HIM knew about my party and where it was. He knew that I am talking to Mr. Man and that EB is staying with me. Needless to say I am pissed. So I find out who the rat is and ask them nicely not to share my business with HIM. Not five seconds after that here comes HIM blowing up my phone talking about how he's not trying to be in my business and if people tell him stuff then that's on them. He left me like five voice mails telling me how he doesn't care about my business( but he has called two people not including the one he got the info from asking about my business.) and how I need to stop looking for love. Whatever! He's going to tell Jim-bo that I'm not going to find love because he's the one for me. Brother please! Then where does the rat get off. I tell her to stop spreading the news and she tells him that too.
Then Eb was late picking up my baby again. Had my mom waiting outside for like 30 minutes.

In other news...
My baby took his pictures today. He was so handsome I can't wait to see them.

How long would you wait for your true love? I have loved this guy FL almost since the 1st time I saw him. We fell out of contact but I always knew he would grow up to be a real man. And that he is. I would like to pick up where we left off when we are ready. What do you think can love last that long and still work? I mean I'm talking about 5th grade here. Every time I think of him my heart skips a beat. He is everything that I have looked for in a man since him and no one but him has lived up.

It's my birthday! Thank you God for letting me make it another year.

My sister had her baby on the 19th. That makes me an aunt and I am so happy I don't know what to do.

I had my FUN party yesterday it was so fun! I got a lot of goodies. Tonight I am going out to dinner and tomorrow FL is taking me out to breakfast. Fun Fun Fun!

Ok my houseguest left Saturday to go out of town for two days. The next time I heard from her was Thursday. No phone call or anything. I was really worried about her and my godson. Then I talked to someone at group and they said she was there Tuesday. So then I was mad. When she called she said that she was in the hospital all that time. I told her that I was told she was at group she said she wasn't. I then spoke to someone else who works at group and they also said that she was there. So when she came over yesterday I told her that two people told me that she was at group. She says she wasn't at group but she called them to say that she was coming. I asked why she didn�t call me she said that she couldn't call long distance. My question is how could you have called them and not me if with got the same area code? Whatever! People are crazy and the truth ain't in them.

Now this is a subject very close to my heart. I have a sister/best friend/soul mate and I want her to know that I love her very much and there is nothing that will ever take me away from her. I want her to know that if I don't tell her something it's not that I am keeping anything from her. Sometimes I forget that I haven't told her something. I am not going to lie sometimes I feel that I put too much on her and I don't want to burden her with all of my problems. But she is the greatest best friend that a girl could have. Please don't replace me I will try better.

That's enough for today peace


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