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right outta my hair.

House guest
1:22 p.m. - Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006

My back is killing me. I don't know what I did to it but it and my tummy is hurting. I am at work though.

I wrote out my petition today I can't wait to start collecting names. I also called the management headquarters. Hopefully the guy will call me back tomorrow if not I will call him. I am tired of people running over me just because I am poor. It's bad enough dealing with AID. It's hard being depended on the government but I can't do it any other way. I do hope that people aren't afraid to sign my petition. I hope that enough of them are ready for change.

My godson and his mother got put out so guess whom they are going to stay with. Not that I mind. If I can help then I will. You never know when you will need someone's help. Plus she can watch solo while I work.

Ok let's see if you can keep up. We have HIM, and Mr. Man. Now we have PE (for pretty eyes). Who is PE you ask? He is this guy I met a while back when I gave him a business card. I saw him again in my complex he said hi and that he wanted to get loced. The next time I saw him I was on the bus stop and he offered me a ride. Then I saw him again yesterday. He told me that he has been feeling me. I told him we could spend some time to get to know each other. He's cute and seems nice but I think he might be one of the types I don't deal with. You know the kind that smokes and drinks all of the time. One who doesn't have a job and doesn't have a plan for their life. I hope he's not that type but we will see.

One of my friends popped up over my house, which was ok. But then she messed that up by inviting a guy over my house without asking me. I was heat but of course I didn't get into it with her. I mean I had told Mr. Man not to come over because she was there but she invites her boy toy. Rude!

Today was a day. EB wasn't home on time to get Solo so Jim-bo is at home with him now. I was going to take him to my granny's but HIM said that he was going over there and I don't want Solo anywhere near him. That's all I need is for him to try to get back in our life. He's already talking about how we are never going to get rid of him. I wish he would just leave us alone. It's hard always looking over your shoulder never knowing when he is going to try and claim what he thinks is his. I have nightmares about him all of the time. It is not a good way to live.

On a better note FL (new guy here) whom I would really like to be my husband one day, offered to help me out with some of my bills. So I send out a big hug and a kiss as a thank you to him. I got much love for you baby.

In other news... Mr. Man has left me hanging again. At least this time I told him how I felt. I am tired of waiting on him. It seems like all I do is wait. I was starting to like him again but this waiting is turning me off. I would ask him something like are you coming over or something and he would say give me a moment. A moment would turn into hours, days and even weeks. And I'm up losing sleep. Got to get up in the morning go to work or whatever but he acts, as though it's nothing.

I got my complex ID today and I am pissed off to all hell! The reason they gave me for getting it was lame. I am still trying to find a way to get out of these uncalled for rules that they have us going through

Well that's enough of a ear full today



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