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right outta my hair.

Lights off
8:05 p.m. - Sunday, Oct. 08, 2006

My power has been off since Monday it just came on today. It was this crazy storm that shut down everything. Then in the middle of the night during the raging storm here comes HIM knocking at my door. Thinking that I was going to let him in because it was storming. He came in the storm he can leave in the storm. He was so shocked that he sent me about 20 texts saying that he was proud of me because I stayed in the house by myself in the dark. In other words I didn't beg him to stay. I wish he would just leave me alone.

Mr. Man (who is different from HIM) has been worried about me during this time or so he said. Even though today I said I needed him in a text message and I called him. He still hasn't called or texted me back. I wonder sometimes why I can't get in touch with him when I need him. It's so hard to get close to him. I like him ok but I don't know if I want to be with him yet.

Mr. Man came over the other day. Just to hold me. It was sweet. Then he called me the next day! I know it doesn't sound like a lot but Mr. Man does not just call to talk. He is much too busy for that. He's starting to act like he likes me or something. He says that he likes me a lot and that I'm his heart. I know it's all sweet but he's going to have to make more time for me.

In other news..
My BD has been calling my son everyday. That is a good thing. I just hope that he keeps it up. He even said that he is going to send him some stuff for Halloween. That would be awsome.

My job is coming to an end. I can feel it. Nothing else has come up yet. I don't know what to do.

You know I really hope that one day I can find someone who is right for me who loves me for me with all of my problems. I have a lot of them. One day I will and it would be great.


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