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right outta my hair.

At work
11:43 a.m. - Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006

I wrote this at work.
I am tripping so hard right now I mean really. I have been waiting on this promotion for a month. One of the girls that was in my training class got one of them. I am crushed not to mention a little pissed. I am happy for her pissed at me.
How many more things can I mess up? So what I get sick a lot no one cares. Can I finish anything that I start without something popping up? I get sick, Solo gets sick, the bus doesn't come anything happens. Most of the time when I am sick or in pain I still go to work but that takes it's toll on me. I don't know what to do.
I am at my 1st day on the night shift. I didn't want to leave my baby and he didn't want to go. I know he is in good hands. That is not the problem. It's just that he should be at home right now doing homework and getting ready for bed. Now I'm going to have to get him at about 10pm catch the bus, do his homework, give him a bath, and then get him to bed. Well maybe on the days that I work he won't take a bath. I will just wash him up in the morning. That will cut down on time. My poor baby! He's not going to get enough sleep. The things that I have put him through.
Another thing that I want to clear up is this: I know I made it seem like I was all alone in the world but I'm not. I have friends and family who help me more than I could ever help them. They love my little man and we wouldn't be able to get by without them. Now all that being said it still hurts like hell that the one who helped make him won't have anything to do with him.
In other news I have this headache that won't go away. It's kicking my butt.
Now to my friends whom I love I know that I am depressed and I am trying to get out of it I really am but it's hard. Now I have to look for a job.


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