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right outta my hair.

What am I going to do?
8:19 p.m. - Saturday, Sept. 23, 2006

What am I going to do? I mean really? I am about to lose my job I mean it's pretty much already gone. I have to find me another one and soon. So if someone out there knows of a good paying part-time job that's close to 63rd or king dr. please let me know.

I had to go back to working nights which I hate by the way. I have to pick up my son at 10:00 at night then take him home and do homework. Which means my baby is not going to get the sleep that he needs.

I hate this I really hate this why couldn't his dad step up and be a damn man? Why do I have to do all this on my own? It's hard and I'm tired. Not mention when I'm sick which is a lot. What the hell man! Everytime I look up I am matched up with somebody who isn't right for me. This is just so aguh! I can't even think of words and for those who know me knows that like never happens. I just wish I could be free to be me.

I know this is more than likely wrong to say but I think all the time about how it would be if I didn't have a child. What would I be doing and where I would be. The fun I could have. I love my baby though and now that I have him I don't know what I would do with out him. I didn't have him by myself you know I shouldn't have to raise him alone. Ok I didn't mean to go off the handle but I had to get that out.

Don't think wrong of me

going out of my mind



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