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right outta my hair.

Bad Monday Bad
12:05 p.m. - Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2006

My Monday was so out there, man! First I woke up 15 minutes before I had to get my son to the bus. I got there on time just to figure out that the bus didn't come. So I had to take my son to school late. He's crying because he's late and now he doesn't want to go to school. Then I was so late for work that I couldn't go. So I missed work. Then I couldn't my phone company to send me my phone since the one they sent me isn't working. And the list goes on. It is so messed up. Then my baby is late coming home because the bus driver doesn't know where he lives. "What the hell do you mean you don't know where he lives?" Then when he comes home he's sick. In the words of my friend Jimmie "Great".

Why did I wake up late you ask because I made the mistake of waiting up on someone who never came over. So I ask you all how long does it take to send a text message? You ever really like someone and they say they like you but you just don't feel it from their actions? That's kind of where I am. I believe he likes me but I just don't understand why he can't make some time for me. I am busy all the time but I make time for him. Only to get left waiting for nothing.


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