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right outta my hair.

a question
10:40 p.m. - Saturday, Jul. 08, 2006

I have a question. Do you all think two people with mental problems should get together? I don't mean people that hear voices and things like that. I mean if I'm depressed and you're depressed is it really going to work? I think you need someone to pull you out of the depression not put you in it. It's hard enough dealing with yourself let along someone esle. Now I understand that everyone gets a little depressed from time to time I am not talking about these people. I am talking about all most everytime you talk to them they are down.

Now I suffer from bipolar disorder I have been getting treated for it since I was about 16 years old, I think I have it under control. However it is hard to do that when someone around you is going "woe is me" all of the time. I get down in the dumps sometimes but I try my best not to put that on someone esle that's down in the dumps.

I have been working like crazy. I do telephone interviewing and I here ringing phones in my sleep. I like the job. We are doing important work; not which pop taste the best or anything like that. Sometime though when it's auto-dialing it drives me crazy. They are fixing that problem though I can't wait. I am working two jobs and going to school and I still hate down time. Unless I am sleeping which I like to do.

I am looking for some new friends that can become more. So if you are interested or know of anyone who is hit me up. They have to live in Chicago, like big girls, and are doing something with their life. They can't smoke, do drugs or sell them. Hopefully they like reading and music. Those are the must haves and the have nots to be with me. There are more than likely some more minor ones but those are major. Oh I almost forgot they have to love children because I have one.

Speaking of which I miss my baby because of my work hours he has been staying with my mom. I rarely get to see him anymore. I need to buy him some more workbooks to get him ready for school. I can't belive that my baby is going to big kids school this year. He's really smart but he doesn't like doing school work. He does like to read though and write/make up his own stories. He's going to be a witer just like his mom.

That's all for today people I got other things to do.

Much Love



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