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right outta my hair.

so much to say
4:22 p.m. - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006

You know how when you haven't done something in a while and then you start doing it a lot? You know how tired you get and how quick? Well that's how I feel. Now I'm not going to tell you what it is that I've been doing but I can just about bet that you all already know. Don't get me wrong I love it but the body is just not used to it yet. I have to start eatting my veggies because I need the energy.

This man has me going crazy though I have never fell for somone so quickly. I like the way it feels. I asked God to send me someone who loves all of me and that's what he did. Thank you JESUS! I can't stop thinking about this man he fills my every thought. I feel like we never stoped talking all those years ago but the fact remains that we did. The question is does it mater? I think I could be with him forever and that's deep. Ok I am going to stop talking about him now.

In other news...

I got accepted into the school that I want to go to yea! So that means I start next month. I hope that I do well because I am not trying to go to any other schools. I am also trying to hurry up and finish.Everything is going to be fine I know because i have God on my side.

Speaking of which I started going back to church. I was there sunday. (Yes I know it was easter and everyone was there but I don't go to church when I know everyone is going to be there.) I am going to get my butt up and go this week too. The reason i haven't been going well one of them is because I was afraid. If you didn't know I have this fear thing going on within me. It's getting better but it's still there. While I am thinking about it I have to figure out a way to talk to my baby about this. Oh anyway I have this fear of dying and I sit on the second floor of the church. My fear is that the second floor will fall. I know it sounds crazy but it's a real fear so don't laugh or show this to others so they will laugh. God don't like UGLY.

Ok I don't have anything esle to say right now peace



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