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right outta my hair.

9:49 a.m. - Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005

Hello everyone,
This might be my last entry in a while but I hope that it won't.
This is the last week of school and I am glad even though I am still playing catch up but at least it will be over.

In other news...
I am really tripping I mean I have been so depressed lately and I know it has something to do with my fear of dying. I think about it all the time I was suppose to go somewhere for my ASL class and I couldn't because I was worried about getting on the train. It's crazy I feel like I'm losing my mind. I have been taking my shots like I should I just can't do it. I don't understand why I can't just take the meds I have been taking them what's the difference. I am tripping and I need new (head) doctors because these aren't really helping me at all. I hope I can hold up.

I got into it with HIM this weekend I should have known it was coming but every time you try to give someone a break... Anyway I had been messing around with him. (I know I shouldn't have but I feel right in) Shoot, he almost got some for real! Well he tripped out and I should have known that was going to happen to but once again benefit of the doubt. It was bad him talking about how I always bring up the past and then he said he was going to stay always from our son for months and that when I got pissed off. He started acting like he had some since but it's too late now. He was trying to heat things up last night and there wasn't much there. So I am done getting into people that I shouldn't be into. Now done get me wrong I still love him as a person but the in-love and romance is just not there.

Speaking of�
My son thinks it�s time that I have a boyfriend (He�s 4!). I am thinking about it too. I know that my man will find me but I hope it happens soon and it�s not an ex. I notice that I keep running back to my ex�s and I don�t want to go there. If I needed to be with them we wouldn�t have broken up. It�s bad I can�t even have good sex with them anymore and maybe that�s God way of telling me that I need to stay away from them. I hope that I meet someone who can handle me and all over me problem.

Peace and good grades


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