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right outta my hair.

more hours
3:58 p.m. - Friday, Jan. 06, 2006

What's up people?

I know I haven't written in a while and for that I am sorry but I don't have internet so what is a girl to do. The YWCA has given me more hours so hopefully I well get more chances to write at least once a week ok. I am waiting for my boss to get out of a meeting so that she can tell me what to do. I have done everything else you know what I mean? Of course you don't.

Anywho my fear problems have gotten worst then better then worst. I feel like pulling my hair out. I don't know if I have written about this before but I have this big problem with fear. Fear of everything cars trains just dying period. I think I'm going to die all of the time and I don't want to. I know it sounds crazy and that�s because it is crazy. I can't help it but I pray to God it goes away.

I still don�t have a man but it�s cool because God is going to send me one when I am ready and that�s going to be soon. I know I need to meet a new group of Men. No you know what I need to met a new group of people from those I know because none of them are like me well except for the one closest to me. If you meet some of the people the hang around me you would be like you all can not even know each other let alone hang out. I want to meet people who think like I think and act like I act. I don�t want to have to tell everyone to act a certain way around me I want them to be that way.

It is so hot where I am right now I feel like I am going to pass out and I am sitting in front of the fan. No this is not a back entry it is 1/6/06 and it is like 95 degrees in here. Now I know personally where global warming is coming from this room.

I have been writing a little bit hopefully I can sneak some in every day. I want to finish a book this year and I say that every year but I am ready. You know what else I am ready for I am ready to lose weight I am really ready to do that. I love being big and I don�t want to be small but I need to lose some of this.

Ok I have to go you know lots of things to do and all



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