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right outta my hair.

I have been bad
1:03 p.m. - Tuesday, Dec. 06, 2005

You know I have been bad you guys.

I have gone out and had sex with someone that I shouldn't have because I thought it was going to be good and it sucked.

I really want to have sex with someone else but I can't because it's going to bring up to much stuff. (Even though I almost did last night.

I haven't been to the doctor in four months even though I have a major illness.
- And do you know that my doctors have made me sign a note saying that I have to come to all appointments or I will have to find new doctors I mean made me feel like.. like... I don't know bad.
-Anyway I have a growth on my foot. It's not that bad. But that are going to have to cut me open to cut it out. Why are they always trying to cut me open?
- I also have to take shots until I can get on birth control. Which might also be a shot. The shot that made me gain 80 pounds. My doctor says I can't get pregnant right now I just can't. I say well I just won't have sex she says that's not enough. What? How in the hell is that not enough? She just doesn't believe me that's all. I just can't win for losing.

Back to the list...

I have so much work that I need to do and so little time to do it. I am going to have to pull all nighters which is going to make me sick but what can I do I have to finish.

Oh and I haven't used the things that I should have when I did peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time. (What I don't even know what that means)


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