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right outta my hair.

I got some. i guess?
12:46 p.m. - Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005

Ok what�s up my people? Alright I know it�s been a minute like five days but I have been hella busy. I will always return that is until I leave but you all will know when I find a better place to go that�s free. Cause I do not have money to spend like that. I can�t even afford extras on here.

Well anyway I miss you guys.

First things first my hair is in a Mohawk yes my hair that goes all the way down my back. I braided it up in one big braid going down the middle of my head. Yes I think it�s cool. I can�t wait to see how it going to look once I get someone does it where my hair could hang down in the middle. A loc Mohawk I have seen it all.

I had sex you guys it had been forever but I did it and it was good for like three seconds after that it sucked. I also had my cookies ate now that was great. I am getting worked up just thinking about it. Hooh! Anyway I think I should go back to waiting on my husband. Sometimes I just get a little too worked up and the toys just don�t work anymore.

I got in to it with one of the people who calls me friend. She doesn�t know how to act which is why I don�t hang with her that much but we our connected through her child. I did a lot for her. Which I did from the heart and she had nothing but bad things to say. I was tried spent all my money and you say it wasn�t the way you wanted. I couldn�t tell her what I wanted to because I had young minds there but I will let her know when I get her by our selves.

Oh I had a meet for my group (You know that thing that�s on the top of the page says SSTIW) Wednesday and no one came. You talking about some one who was upset. It was me, Spicy, and the mother of our group. Two people said they weren�t coming and everyone else just didn�t show up. I wanted to cuss everyone out but I had to remember that I am serving as a teacher for this group and I have to let them know that is not the way you act in this kind of setting.

I got my business cards for the group and they are so cute. I mean powerful. Well they are both. I have been passing out the cards and I already have two new speakers set up. I also have been talking to NIDGO to see about getting our information in their paper. Thinks are looking up and I am not going to give up.

Well I have told you guys a lot I will save the rest for later



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