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right outta my hair.

6:26 p.m. - Thursday, Nov. 03, 2005

Ok I had a ball for my birthday I mean. I have to go back to the Wild Hare again and again. It was great! I didn�t get any numbers nor did I meet anyone to fix my sex problem but I did have a ball. I went to this dance at my school Friday and then afterwards went out to drink. I got tipsy my friends got tipsy and it was fun. The next day I went to the wild hare and it was off the hook. I stayed out there until about 3:30 in the morning. The next day I took my little man to his skating party and that was much fun. It was his first time skating and he did a good job. The my mom cooked this dinner for my birthday and man you talking about doing some eating it was good stuff man I mean good stuff. I even got a $50 gift card which I really wasn�t looking for. (Thanks girl! You know who you are.) I didn�t really get to play cards like I wanted to but I did get to play one quick game.

Ok something else that happen at the party one of my girls that I hadn�t been hanging with for a while because of her lifestyle called me up and came. Now I�m not going to lie to you all I have been really close with her and I love her to death. She is just a little to wild for me, and no I do not mean in the bedroom. It was good seeing her but when I met her boy friend who I have had issues with since 2002 it took everything in me from not opening my mouth. I really didn�t like the way that felt.


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