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right outta my hair.

Worrying to death
5:32 p.m. - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005

I have a lot on my mind today yall. I got decisions to make. I have used up all of my absences in my fiction writing class if I miss one more class or if I�m late for another class I will get an �F�. I do have the opinion of dropping but I will have to pay for it. If I get an �F� then my GPA will be even lower than it already is, if that�s possible. I want to be super strong woman and say I will make it my business not to be late for any more classes ever again but what if something happens? What if my son gets sick and I can�t take him to school what am I to do then? My friend Spicy says that I shouldn�t say what if and just do what I need to do. The warrior in me wants to do that wants to just push on and do it. But the worrywart in me can�t stop looking at the what if�s. I ain�t gona lie I am also thinking about all that extra time I will have. I don�t know what to do. If you have any advice please let me know what it is. Hit the tag board at the bottom of the page,

Worrying to death


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