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right outta my hair.

I hugged Aja
2:09 p.m. - Thursday, Oct. 20, 2005

What�s up you guys? I had the most awesome night last night. I went to see Kindred and they were awesome. Oh Jaguar Wright was there and Keke Wyte was there they were great also but I ain�t gona lie I was there for Kindred. The greatest thing happen before the concert started. Me and my girl, Spicy got there like super early so that we would get good seats. And we were standing inside because it was cold. Listening to the band practicing. Then all of a sudden they walk in Kindred. We were so groupies it was hard to speak. Aja so us and opened up her hand for a hug and I hugged her. She hugged me Aja hugged me. Ohmygoodness I am still freaking out over it. Then after the concert they gave us autographs. It was so cool. We got really nice seats then when they came on we were right in the front of them (we went down on the floor) My feet are hurting from dancing all night and My throat is all jacked up but I would do it again and again and again. It was lovely. After the show we went in the back to get our ticket stubs signed and Aja was like hello ladies she looked over at Fataim (sorry you guys you know I can�t spell) and said, � These are my girls from earlier.� Oh I could have passed out on the spot. Every time it replays in my head I can�t believe it. I can�t wait until they come back again I will be there.

I also got to pass out a lot of cards yesterday, which was great because I really need the money. I hope that all the people that said they were going to call do. I have a head to do tomorrow and I might have one this week end so pray for me cause times is hard. Real hard.

Ok now for my rant. I was followed the other day by someone who shall remain nameless let�s just call him Him. If I happen to see you once then it's by chance if I see you twice maybe but for you to end up in every place I go from ten until four means you are following me. I switched buildings and you end up in my building I mean I have no idea how you even went to class. I asked you to leave me alone and you follow me. You tell me you are giving me my space and you come into a huge computer lab and sit right next to me. That is not leaving me alone that is freaky and crazy. Stop it! I mean goodness I saw about 7 times I mean every time I walked out of a door now tell me that not crazy?

I got to go to class I will catch you guys later.



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