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right outta my hair.

Trying to catch up
12:42 p.m. - Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2005

What�s up people? I am in a good mood today which means that my meds are kicking in today. Yea! I have so much homework to do it�s sad. It�s like I can�t just do it. I�m always going I will do it in a minute I will do it in a minute. Then I don�t end up doing it. You know today I am going to just go into my room and start working see if I�m in my room then I won�t have anything to distract me.

Then we reach the next problem on my list my house is a mess. I am just not a cleaner I don�t know what happen to me to make me so different from the rest of my family (well except my little sister) but I just don�t have the mind for it. I want my house to be neat and tidy but no matter what I do it always ends up looking like hell has hit it. I don�t have the time to clean it. I guess that would be one of my problems. I mean I am into like 6 different things so when I get home or when I get done with whatever it is that I am doing its time to go to sleep. If I don�t go to sleep then I don�t get up on time and if I don�t get up on time then I miss class and if I miss class on and on and on. I will get it together I don�t have any other choice.

I am going to see Kindred tomorrow and I can�t wait it�s going to be much fun. I am just glad I have a friend like �Spicy� Because if I didn�t then I would probably be in the gutter somewhere begging for a quarter.

As always I got to run another class you know.



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