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right outta my hair.

11:01 a.m. - Thursday, Sept. 15, 2005

I know you all are like, "What the hell happen to her?" Well I don't have internet my friend's computer doesn't work and my mom's internet has been messed up, so as you can see it was very hard for me to get to you all. I am back in school which is good, even though it's kicking my but. I haven't been talking to Chris and went I say haven't been talking to I mean none at all. We do attend the same school but it's a big campus so thankfully I haven't ran into him yet. Jimmie was over yesterday and chris said that he was going to come over. I told him that he better not come over because he wasn't allowed in or at my house. Jimmie didn't have to tell him that because he didn't end up coming but I hope that he gets that though hs head.My little man is having a hard time with all of this he doesn't understand why he's gone ok got to go peace.


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