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right outta my hair.

6:32 p.m. - Sunday, Jun. 26, 2005

I know it has been a long time but my internet is cut off that's right now you all can see how broke I am. I can't keep my phone on it's so sad.

You want to know something else that's sad I got an F in ASL. I never gotten anything lower than a 96 on anything in the class but I got an F in the class and now my GPA is a fucking 1.8 that is the saddest shit I have ever heard in my life. My mom and everyone else is saying that it's OK you were sick but they are not going to put that on my transcript. Now how am I suppose to get money for school everyone is going to think I am a dumb ass kid. The worst thing is that even if I make all A's next semester I will only have a 2.8. Now that's sad I just don't know what I am going to do but I am giving it to God.

I just found out that my friend is having a baby. I am so happy for her and I know that she and the baby will be just fine.

Alright I will see you guys later

Much Love


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