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right outta my hair.

Pissed off!
11:29 a.m. - Wednesday, May. 11, 2005

Ok I am so pissed off right now I mean I am really really pissed. So before I snap off and kill someone I think I better just type it out.

Number one: HE read my journal the other day not what I write on line I want people to read that but my really one the book. Then had the nerve to wake me up in the middle of the night because he was upset. Now ain't that about a bitch! Talking about he knows how to treat me now. Whatever!

number two: I went shopping for my house yesterday and there was only $75 dollars on my card. Why because my sister spent $100 dollars of my money on their house with out even telling me. So I had to spent $35 of the money I didn't have to spend in the first place.

Number three: These motherfuckers in my building than cut off my electricity in my kitchen which means that all that food I just brought is now spoiling as we speak and guess what I don't have any money to buy any more. They sent me a letter yesterday saying that they was cutting the power off in the building next door. IF you were cutting off the power why wouldn't you let someone know long before so that they could at least try to do something with their food. I am so tried of living in this fucked up place I mean really.

I am sooooo pissed off! I mean what the fuck!
I'll catch yall later!


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