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right outta my hair.

Damn that sninks!
2:32 p.m. - Sunday, May. 01, 2005

Ok I am cleaning out my life. From people who like to suck me dry. I am so tired of people just using me and now they don't ask me they just use me. Eat my food, drink whatever it is to drink. Then leave my house jacked up. I am tried of people lying to me. I do have people in my life that's not that way and I love them but the friendimes need to go.

Ok now there is this guy trying to talk to me but he just doesn't fit. I wouldn't mind having sex with him because I wonder how he works it. I don't want to be with him because he does everything that I won't stand for he drinks a hell of a lot, he smokes, and he cheats. He even has his moments of lying. I know that the only reason that I let him hold me sometimes is because I just want to be held. I need to get it together. I don't want to lead him on. Sometimes I can't even stand to sit by him because he smells like ahlcoal or smoke. I know that it can never go anywhere so why can't I just tell him that and leave it alone?

I had to write up rules for my house. Yes I did go there! I know you would think that I wouldn't but I did. There was this someone who came over my house and god I thought I was going to die. Now let me just say right here that the someone is a really cool person. Ok now that that was said they snink like 3 day old trash. Had my whole house smelling I mean damn! Then had the never to take a shower and use my damn body puff! And they still smelled bad. So that why I wrote up my list I don't think that I would ever have to tell people not to use other people's towels and body puffs but I see that it has went there.

I know what I need to do. I need to go and hang with my sisterfriend she always makes me feel better. Well I got to clean up I will catch you later.


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