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right outta my hair.

Still ain't done
10:08 p.m. - Friday, Apr. 29, 2005

Ok what is up people! I have been working my ass off for over a week and I�m still not finished ahhhh! I really want to cuss people out but as always I keep my mouth shut. My play is Tuesday and I still don�t have all of my actors. I guess that I will have to pull it all together. I always have to put it together. Don�t you hate it when everyone around you knows that you are dependable.

I am so sick and tried of liars. I mean really. Just say no. Why do people lie anyway I mean why would you want to keep up with all of. the bullshit. Just tell me that you don�t want to do something. I will be fine with it. I am not the type of person to cuss you out if you don�t want to do something I ask. I say OK and keep on moving. That �s the way it goes. What I really hate is when you let me think that you are going to do something when you�re not. That means that I had put effort into what I believe you are doing then I am left hanging.

Another thing if you don�t like me let me know. Don�t act like you like me when you don�t. Why would you do that ? It�s not going to break my heart. It really isn�t. But when I count on you as a friend and you fall off the face of the earth then that kinda hurts.

You know what I just thought about I think that I just erased my friend off my buddy list by mistake. I should go fix that.


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