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right outta my hair.

I finished the play
8:16 p.m. - Friday, Apr. 15, 2005

I am feeling so good right now. I mean I am feeling great. Thank you God for saving me yet again! Thank you Jesus!

I just finished my first play. Did you hear what I said I just Finished my First Play! It is being persented on May 3rd. Actors and all can you belive it? Everything is coming together and it is wonderful. I wasn't able to do any of it until I got rid of the man I was with. How funny is that?

Now Check this out! I got offered a Job after having one converstaion with the ownner. It pays better than I am getting now and it's work that I can do and write at the same time. The ownner is a really cool guy who is suscessful which is the kinda people that I am trying to suround my self with. He really wants to give me this job but... I know there is always a but. I have to get my gollbladder taken out on May 17th. Which is too soon to start and take off and too far to hold the job. I should be upset but I just have a feeling that everything will work out on time, God's time.

My Computer is messing up they are going to have to start the whole thing over again which means I am going to have to reload everything that I have on the computer. I am not even mad about it. Maybe the is the bi-polar. I don't know but I am going to ride it and see where I get.

I am horny than little bit but I am trying to stay strong. You know that we you are trying not to do something that's when it's all in your face. Yes ladies they can smell on you. I have three guys trying me and they all can do the damn thing. Why oh why?


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