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right outta my hair.

God has not given me a spirit of fear
11:45 a.m. - Monday, Mar. 07, 2005

Ok I am doing pretty good. I was in a wonderful mood yesterday. The weather was wonderful I went to church, to the park and to a get together in the eveing. I wrote 8 pages in my journal and I am just working hard to get to know me.

I don't know if I ever told you all this but I am so afraid of cars of riding in the getting hit by them even being in them. I know it's crazy. "What is the matter with you?" I didn't know or I could understand it before but I am figuring it out now I am super afraid of dieing period. I mean it's crazy because it is running my life and I am ready to take my life back. I pray everyday for god to take this fear from me and I know that he will I just have to keep working at it.

Well everyone I know you would be glad to know that I left Him. If you don't know who Him is just go back a few entries. It was a very big thing and we still speak and talk but He is no longer allowed to come to or into my house.

I am learning to love myself, be myself, and take care of myself hopefully you will take that juorney with me.


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