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right outta my hair.

Happy birthday
3:29 p.m. - Friday, Nov. 05, 2004

Ok I know what you all really want to know am I still with him? So let me get that outa of the way first. Yes, I am still with him. Things are right now going pretty good. He has a job so that is going to help things a hell of a lot.

Ok anyway I am in school and things are going ok I could study more but I have to set up a good time table for my time. I am working on it because it's midterms and I don't have no time to get anything less than a B on anything.

My birthday just pasted I am now 22 years of age. Most of the people that see me or even know me think that I am about 26 but that's another story. Guess what? He threw me a surprise birthday party! I thought that was just so sweet.

My little man is getting so big you guys I mean really. He knows how to spell his name and everything. I am just trying to be there more for him and trying to figure out more things to do with him because he is growing up so fast.

Once again this is a hit and run I will hit you guys later much love and spread the peace



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