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right outta my hair.

No the fuck he didn't !
11:49 p.m. - Thursday, Sept. 30, 2004

Ok this boy has pissed me off to the fucking limit and just in case you wanted to know this is me calmed down. First of all I am starting to think what can I really depend on him for? Because I know that I can depend on him to get on my last fucking nevre. Now he has started his plot to make me out to be the bad guy. Had the motherfucking nevre to call my mother and tell her that I was lazy and didn't clean up after my self. What the fuck is this 5th grade!
I mean really he is the one who was late picking little man and the one who made me late for school but I am the bad guy well isn't that fucking great. I don't think that I can take much more of this I mean I really right now at this moment I really don't want to be in the same house let alone the same room. I mean my whole body is heated. If he was to touch me I think that I would blow up.
I don't really know the name of this game that we are playing but I know that I don't want to play anymore. It's not fun and it never was. This hurts too much. I am trying to move on with my life but everytime I turn there is this big ass block in my face. I am dizzy from the mary-go-round and tilt-a wirl makes me sick.
At least before I had a little time between tricks but now I don't have anytime to get over one thing before there is another. This is really making me old before my time. I know that I keep saying that I don't know what to do but I don't. This is the hardest thing in the world. I just feel like I've come to the end of the road. Like I only have a few more steps in me.
This could be coming up on the end of us. I really don't want it to be but I just don't know what esle to do. Maybe I just wasn't meant to be happy. Maybe there isn't a man out there for me. Maybe I am just fooling myslef to think that there is. Wouldn't be the first time that I thought someone was for me but I tell you this much it would be the last. I can't keep giving my heart out like this so that it comes back broken.
Here's a question where does love get you? I mean really because it keeps bringing me pain.
I guess I should get some sleep since I do have to go to school tomorrow. IT's just now it's even hard to do that because of this shit.


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