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right outta my hair.

12:41 p.m. - Wednesday, Aug. 04, 2004

You all will not believe what happen to me it was so bad. He came home after damn near a week and you all know how much I was missing him. We were all lovey dovey and everything. We had the most wonderful sex (It had been a while) and everything was going nicely. Then as we are getting ready to lay down and watch adult swim his dad calls. He tells me that he is going with his dad. Of course I say no because I didn't want him to go let alone it was hella wrong for him to have sex with me then leave before the come even dries. Well he agrees then calls his dad back and says that he couldn't get out of it. Why the hell not you are 22 years old say NO. Well anyway he calls again and says that he got out of it but his dad was coming over to talk to him. Ok that's cool I guess. Meanwhile he's telling me how we are going to have to get used to not seeing each other so much since we are both doing big things. I agree but not right now seeing how did has been the longest we have been apart in a year and defenily not after we just had sex. Any hoo, his dad gets there and takes somepapers and gets ready to go down stairs. Before he leaves he says, "I will be right back I am not going to leave you don't have to worry." Ok I say and then he leaves. I am waiting for what seems like a hour and a half I get a call from his dad's house. It's him calling me to tell me that his dad just pulled off with him in the car and he's sorry that he broke his promise. What in the hell just happen here? I don't know but I will tell you what I do know I AM PISSED! You see I know what the problem is His dad is trying to make him like him ( you know what I mean) but I am not going to stand for it. Still pissed Cookie


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