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right outta my hair.

12:50 p.m. - Monday, Aug. 02, 2004

I know the girl's on a roll. Dag girl!

Ok The most inportant stuff frist my sweetie come home today ooooooooohooooooo! I am soooo happy.

Any way I am at school and it's been a mixed day. It's pretty much borning because insteed of being in class we are like at this Opening program with speakers and such. Some wonderful did happen today, Carol Mosley Braun spoke to us. Isn't that great I really like her and she spoke wonderfully. That was only for 45 mins and the whole day is 8 hours so that should pretty much tell you about the rest of the day. I see that there are some really trying people here. Now when I say that I don't mean that they are trying in school I mean they are trying my nerves. I mean you would think some of these people weren't going to high so they really seemed out of place in college. I think some people just don't try. I mean they don't look for answers they just ask someone esle. How else can you explain some of the stuff they do. Ok I have to go I think that I miss something peace.


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