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right outta my hair.

I miss him
6:53 p.m. - Sunday, Aug. 01, 2004

I miss you all so very very much but you know who I miss more? My baby he has been gone for four days and that is the longest we've been apart in a whole year. I miss him sooooooo much.

I know what in the hell am I talking about I haven't heard from you guys in much longer that that. I am sorry but that is just what's on my mind right now.

OK I will try to stop.........

Well I have been through more pure hell since that last time we spoke. It like everything is being cut off. In fact the only reason that I am talking to you right now is because I signed on for free internet. I am talking about soup kitchens poor. My phone is suppose to be getting cut off tomorrow but luckly my son's doctor wrote a letter to the phone company saying that he needs the phone on. which he does.

Anyway I feel like we are coming out of this storm which is good. I feel like we are moving on up. I went to the pre-marital class the other day and it was real cool. The only thing that I didn't like was that Chris wasn't there. Ok ther I go back to Chris. Well anyway he is suppose to come home tomorrow but I hope he comes home today. I mean everything has been going so good between us. I miss him I miss him. OK

I start school tomorrow and I am soo excited. I can't wait to do math and workout problems. Oh and the homework how I miss the homework. Now I know that 95.9 precent of you al are going what in the hell are you talking about. I know you all think that I am crazy but I love school. I always have. I love learning. This will be my first day at my dream school I mean how much better could it get.

Alright I have to go now. But never fear my everday entries are now back in effect.

Much love to all my people



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