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right outta my hair.

Happy Fucking 4th of July !
10:49 a.m. - Sunday, Jul. 04, 2004

Happy Fucking 4th of July!

That's right the day that celebrates the independence of whites from the British and the enslavement of blacks and natives to the Americans.

It should be called "the 4th of they lie." They lied when they brought us over here, lied when that took the land, lied when they tried to teach us the gospel, lied when they told us we were free, lied about 40 acres and a mule, lied about equal rights, and they are still lying now.

Only now it has spread. Not only do they lie to us Blacks but the lie to all of America. The powers that be, which just happens to be the same person who forced his way into the white house, lie to American people almost every other day. But you know what makes it really bad we either know that they are lying then or they tell us a couple weeks later that they were all lies.

What do we do about it? Hmmmmm lets see ...................... that's right nothing. We have allowed our children to go off to these distant lands where 90% of the people hate their guts to fight a war that was built and supported on lies. What the hell happen to our balls there is no way you would just let someone come into your house and take over. Yet you let people who has never and will never have you best interests in mind take over your whole world with your help.

This is just a friendly reminder that BBQs and fireworks don't mean shit! It's just a great way to take your mind off of what's really going on. Don't fall for the Okeydoke.

Ask questions this "4th of they lie." Why is it that when you call the police they never come but they will be the first to harass you when you are coming home from church cause you look like a black person? Why has the war been over but they are looking to send more children over to die? Why are they cutting off welfare and funds for school but spending billions of dollars on building parks?

They knew what they were doing when they extended slavery for hundreds of years. They know that it's still going on. They told you on every news show in the world that they knew about the attacks on America. They have millions of lives on their hands that they got with no problem or second look but now when something happens to them they want to talk about "God bless America." God shouldn't bless America he should bless The poor people living in America.

Peace and Knowlege



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