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right outta my hair.

I will have food
12:33 p.m. - Thursday, Jul. 01, 2004

God is good all the time and al the time God is good!

I know this all of the time but sometimes I still can't help being depressed.

We didn't have no food in the house and was making up meals by putting weird stuff together. Then this morning the stamps that I have been waiting on for almost 4 months fianlly came. So now I can buy food yea! Go Cookie you can feed your son go Cookie!

I really must give it to my man because for the most part he always has a good outlook for whatever bad that is going on. Even though for the most part that gets on my nerves because I feel like he's not looking at the facts but I guess it's good to have faith. Speaking of him we have been talking lately about him not being as in touch with me as he usually is. He has been reading my diary and he says that it is different from the way I act. He says that he didn't know that I was feeling the way I was have of the time. Which I agree with. A lot of the time I don't say any thing to him about the way I am feeling because I'm like what's the point. Then sometimes I feel like even though he has toatlly pissed me off I don't want to do the same. It's almost like I don't want to rock the boat. I will try to be more open with my feelings.

Well anyway I have a lot of other things to do today so I will talk to you all later




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