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right outta my hair.

Fucked up ass poetry slam
10:35 p.m. - Thursday, Jun. 24, 2004

I know that you all have been waiting to find out what happen at this poetry slam. Well let me tell you. This shit was fucked up I mean shit I don't know what I mean let me start from the begining.

The poets were hot, the music was banging and the mood was right. I was really enjoying myself. I was getting all types of nervous as it neared it's end because I know that was when they were calling the wildcard. Well the time comes and low and behold it was a fucking set up! What I mean by set up is they call me on the phone and act as though I really have a chance at this wildcard thing when all along they know that this chick that they called was going to be the wildcard. How do I know this you ask? Well let me tel you. Around the same time that the lady called me there was an e-mail that went out announcing the winners of the contest and wouldn't you know that the damn girl name was on there. Ain't that about a bitch!


I have been slacking off lately. I mean this week I was so busy getting ready for this damn fucked up slam it's like I couldn't do anything esle. Then the fucked up part is that I keep getting sick. The left side of my body is getting worst and worst. (I don't think that's spelled right but fuck it I don't care.) I had to get an MRI today and that damn thing took forever. I just hope if there is something wrong with me they figure that shit out and quick.

I am going to tell you all something and I don't know why am writing this but here goes. The other night my head started hurting so bad is was crazy I mean it felt like it was filling up of something. Then my chest started hurting really bad, then my leg. And all of this was on my left side. I thought I was going to die. I really mean it I thought that I was not going to make it through the night. That is so srcary shit. I know what you all are thinking why didn't you go into the ER. Well I know that this might sound crazy to those who have never dealt with this kinda stuff before but I am so tried of going to the ER them sticking me with all types of needles again an again. Sitting in there all night while they hook me up to all types of what ever it is they hook you up to. All for them to tell me they don't know what's wrong. Sometimes I try to convince myself that it's all in my head but I know that not true cause the pain is too real. Well anyway pray for me please! I have to go and try to get some sleep for tomorrow.




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