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right outta my hair.

Still Depressed
12:46 p.m. - Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2004

I am depressed and you know the wrost part about it is? The fact that I can't shake it. I like I am trying to walk around all happy and the shit is just not working. My mom payed the light bill (Thanks MOM!) but that just knocked $47 off of my over $700 bill pile. And to make matters worst my cell phone which is the only way that my non exsiting clintel is broke as hell! I can't even press a damn button! I mean they was already about to cut it off but damn could I have used it until then. I just feel so down in the dumps. I just know when you all read this you're like "oh goodness she's depressed again."

Realationships are hard man. Well at least mine is. It's like I am so in love with him both every five minutes I want to hit him. Hard. I mean I know that I am depressed because I don't want to have sex and I don't think that I have even been that depressed. But I am still Cookie and if you fuck with me enough I am going to get sexy right back with you. It's still like I don't want to really want to do it. I don't think he gets it though, but you know what? It's not like I exspect him to because I don't even know what's going on my damn self. I am mad because I can't spell. How in the hell am I a writer and I can't spell what kind of fucked up shit is that. Yea that was just outa of nowhere my bag.

The poetry slam is tonight I am a wild card which means there is a real big chance that I won't even make it to the stage. I am trying to keep my head up and do the damn thing but it's getting harder and harder to stay above water.

Still Depressed



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