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right outta my hair.

Still kinda depressed
11:35 p.m. - Sunday, Jun. 20, 2004

Happy Father's Day!

Ok so here I am I know you all miss me. Yea right.

Well I am a little less depressed but depressed all the same. I mean I have a appointment to see the doc tomorrow but I don't have the $2 co-pay ain't that about a bitch!

Now don't get me wrong I went to church today and have a wonderful time I linstened to the sermon. I even sraped up my $2 tithes.(me and him got $20 for a bus pass last week.) Speaking of bus passes ours (meaning the one that we have to share between us both) run out tomorrow so I can get to the doc but I don't know how I am going to get home. I got cussed out by my mom because I did't let her know that I was flat broke and didn't have bus fare to do the important things that I have to do. I don't see what the point of that would be seeing that she also doesn't have any money either and I told her so. Well she said that she could try to get me $20 for bus pass for tomoorow. Well I don't have a bus pass so I guess that didn't work out. I mean don't get me wrong I know that God will work it out but it's getting ruff.

Out Of Pocket....

I am putting my friend asshole on the out of pocket list today because I called him to wish him happy fathers day even though he didn't call me to say happy mothers day and would you belive he got a fucking tude with me I say damn get on me for being nice why don't you. I am also putting my dad on there just for who he is. (To much to even be going into right now.)

Me and My Men....

me and him has been doing well together. I still don't trust him fully but we are doing well right now. I mean I really really love him more than I think I have love any body other than my son. I just don't want to let my love for him to block my common sense. As far as little man he is doing good I just can't wait to get him into a school. He went to church with me today and he loved his class I am so glad.

In Other News....

I did try out for the poetry slam I don't know if I am going to be able to compete but I hope so. I will find out tomorrow so I will tell you guys what happens.

To my friend spicey I love you so much I can't even think of words to tell you how I feel. You have always been there for me and I will always be there for you.

Well that's it for now Ihave to go to bed talk to you guys later.



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