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right outta my hair.

Need to let out some steam
8:36 a.m. - Sunday, Jun. 13, 2004

ok you write one good page and it's not even up for 24 hours before all hell breaks lose.

This motherlover than got on the nerve right next to the last nerve. I talking to his sister on the phone yesterday talking about the chance of me being "with child". After I got off the phone I went in the back where he was. I asked what was wrong with him because he was looking pissed off. Well he went off on me talking about why did I tell his mother. I mean was just really going off. Well I nicely said that I wasn't talking to his mom but his sister. He said yeah right he heard the whole conversation. Well this did nothing but pissed me off even more because not only did just call me a lier but he was linstening in on a conversation. WRONG! I kept trying to assure him that I had not spoken to his mother any that day but he "knew" what he heard. Well I went to church and when I came back I just knew he had talked to someone and learned the error of his ways. I guess it was my turn to be wrong. He was still being an ass. He told me that he had talked to her but he still didn't belive that I didn't tell her. In fact he told me that he "heard" me tell her not to tell him. Fool That was me telling your sister not to tell your mother. I am just so pissed I can't even talk about it anymore.

In other news.....

It looks like I am not pregant. My period came six days late. well what seems to be my period anyway. I am kinda sad. It's not like I was planing to have a child or anything but I know that later I might not be able to have one. I guess that I houldn't be trying to have a child with someone who does belive in me anyway. He might come out the blue thinking it's someones esle's.

Well I have to go to church now cause I know God is waiting on me with all this wieght that have on me. I am so broke I don't even have the two dollars that I said I would put into church every week. When I said don't have it I mean don't have it not just have it but are not going to put it in but really don't have it.

Need to let out some steam



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