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right outta my hair.

Happy weekend
10:40 a.m. - Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004

Happy weekend people!

Well I know what you all are saying "You don't have a job and you're not in school why are you so happy for the weekend?" Well even through I don't have any of those things right now I do still live a very lively week. Plus the weekend is when my mom gets little man for two days. So that mean me and big man has the house to ourselves.....

He has been all lovely with me I mean I really remember why I fell in love with him. I just hope that things stay this way.

In other news...

My period still has not rared it's head and it is now five days late. It looks like I am on baby number two. Well I am kinda geeked up about the whole thing it. I mean the doctors told me that I wouldn't be able to have a another one. That I would have to kill my baby, but since I told them early that I might be they were able to switch my meds and I will be able to have my baby. I guess I am still moving kinda fast, it still might come. I had a little spotting last night but I think that was from me doing stuff I shouldn't have been doing. plus this morning there was none sign of that. I will be sure to let you all know if there are any changes.

Someone has agreed to take on my book which is so awesome! I am thinking that I should get out and test my tounge some more because I am trying to do a book and CD. There is this poetry slam with a $500 prize that I think that I am going to enter. I have not entered any contest for money and I am sure that there will be much better poets there. I guess this would just be the time to buck up my chest and do it to it.

Happy weekend



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