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right outta my hair.

My man got a page
11:32 p.m. - Wednesday, May. 26, 2004

Alright so where to start...

My guy started a diary today isn't that something. You guys should check it out I don't know how much he will be writing in it since he is always talking about how he hates people being in his bussness. Anyway back to me.

He has been trying to make me mad all day. So instead of getting worked up I just let what he said come in one ear and out of the other. And you know what I wasn't all that upset about it because I wasn't letting him upset me. I took the advice that was given to me by both of our mothers.

I am so excited I got two out of three of the rooms I was suppose to clean today, Fed little man on time, played games, went to my workout and got him in bed and asleep before ten that has got to be a world record. "Go Cookie, Go Cookie!"

I cleaned up and did what I had to do but ask me if the house is clean. Of course not Chris didn't clean up anything. So tomorrow I am going to have to clen up what he didn't today.

Me and My Men.............

You know I understand that He has a lot of things happening right now in his life but if he just hits there and let it overwhilm him then he's never going to get any where. You know sometimes I think that he forgets that he asked me to stay on his butt so that he can do something with himself.

I mean he keeps saying that he is looking and trying but he rarelly leaves the house. I tell him about all of these training programs and job openings but it's like he really doesn't want to do it. I know he can do it I mean I have always know that maybe that's why it hurts me so much because I know that he has what it takes. I am hoping that he knows this himself because it doesn't matter how hard I push if he doesn't want to do it then he's not. He will get himself togther right? right?

In the mind of cookie.....

I have just been trying to get my life on track.Trying to do everything that I set out to do. It seems as though things keep getting thrown in my way. Now I have been living on the earth long enough to know that that's what happens when you are trying to do good. What I didn't think was that it would be by the person I love.

My man got a page


P.S. Baby if you happen to read this I know that you are feeling down but it's like you tell me you have to get through it and move on. We need you to be strong and even more you need yourself.


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