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right outta my hair.

Triffin Fucking Men
8:18 p.m. - Thursday, May. 27, 2004

Now check this out.....

Today I was doing my page for my other diary when my guy comes in talking about how I need to build open some defences against him. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Ok so it went from that to us deciding that he should leave for a short while. You know to get himself together. Well he was all on board we cried together and everything then I guess he figures He had done enough changing in thoes two hours. "Well,"he says;" If you really don't want me to leave I don't have too because I have already changed enough to make this work." Yea fucking right! So then I tell him the crying was good and all but I still need for him to leave. Then ohmygod from the depths of hell come EVIL HE. Now it's just over between us and there might not ever be anything again. What's so bad I knew everything before he even did it. He went out and came back like 6 times. Then when he saw that I wasn't crying over him he got even madder. Started throwing stuff in the hallway and everthing. Oh the best part is as I predicted He fell down the stairs so that I would feel sorry for him and so that he could say that he couldn't make it anywhere.

Well now after all of that I know that we need a break and one longer than one week. First he's punching holes in the wall, next he's throwing stuff all over the place. Stomping on cd's all kind of crazzy stuff. I mean he even went through my picture albums and took out all of his pictures. He was just a little bit too angry for me and if he thought I was being diffical then he hasn't seen anything yet. I am pissed the fuck off! He starts acting like a fucking 2 year old because he can't get his way. I have never been this upset in my damn life. I haven't been this hurt in a long time and now I understand why I said I didn't ever want to be in a relationship again. I really can't beleive that he has done this to me. He trying to play me like a fucking fiddle.

I am tried of crying of fucking men that put their pride before me. I am tried of putting my my all into people just so that they have the energy to fuck me over. I took care of you for a year and you turn on me in two seconds.

Triffin Fucking Men



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